Liverpool is such a friendly city to go to, we’ve been doing Liverpool Comic Con since Monopoly took the con over and it’s gone from strength to strength. We tried to get there in time to set up the day before, but elements conspired, and we rolled in too late! Never mind, off to the Airbnb for some well-deserved rest. The flat overlooked The Imperial Arch, the largest Chinese Arch outside of China standing at a whopping 13.5 metres tall. It’s a breathtaking view to wake up to in the morning I can tell you!
We had to get to the venue early to set up, but Mrs Brambledown and I run like a well-oiled machine these days. We were on the same trader island as the lovely folk from Bydand Jewellery and the Geek Monkeys! We also met the talented Forgotten Imp, who we traded shiny things with. With a good set of neighbours, a fully stocked stall and a stellar guest list courtesy of Monopoly we were raring to go for the weekend.
We saw a steady stream of customers and cosplayers which is always loads of fun though what we didn’t see was any of the guests, we were just too busy to leave the table. This was a little gutting because Gaten Matarazzo, who plays Dustin, was one of the headliners and I’d done a Stranger Things painting! It was nice that a customer got a copy of it signed and then came back to see us, thanks Ben! Apparently, Gaten is lovely, which is always nice to hear!
The long Saturday finished, we shuffled off to have a meal with Helen and co. from Bydand Jewellery, who pulled a Jedi mind trick to get us into a fully booked restaurant, “these are not the pizzas you are looking for”. Though that IS a bottle of wine with two straws....
Sunday should have been a good day and if I hadn’t come down with a dose of flu it would have been. Mrs B once more stepped into the fray and ran the stall while I slowly deteriorated behind the racks. We managed to muddle through with sweet treats provided by the lovely Millie and Callum to keep our energy up.
All in all, Liverpool seems to be improving with every event and from a trader point of view they are very responsive to the many little problems that always crop up over a weekend. They also proactively provided trader Wi-Fi which is vital for a good weekend of trading, there’s nothing more frustrating than waiting awkwardly for a connection on your phone whilst a customer waits for their shiny new picture! Overall I’d highly recommend Liverpool as a con, both for traders and visitors.