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Become a Brambassador

Symon Leech

Here at Brambledown Towers we like to share the love. Every Valentine's day any excess love we happen to have laying around is potted and given to the villagers in Little Brambling-in-the-Dell. We're inviting you to join in our ancient tradition and become a Brambassador and share love far and wide across the world.

The idea is simple, if you have any social media accounts on your interwebs then invite your friends to follow us. We've included a simple infographical illustration of the process using Facebook. Step one- Go to our Facebook page and click the three dots. Step two- Click "invite friends" on the drop-down menu. Step three- Select some of your dearest chums to join the proud citizenry of Brambletonia! You could also share posts on other social media platforms, feel free to share the love anywhere you fancy.

Since we know that some of you like a competition, we will be awarding PRIZES for the person who recruits the most new followers. Leave us a comment below to let us know you're in on the game and we'll do a total at the start of next month. Cheers for now Love and Glue, Symon and Pamela

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